Yesterday on a walk with a good friend who just so happens to live in our shrinking bubble, I lost my sh*t BIG time

Not at her, but our conversation triggered something deep within and I just got angry

Those that know me know full well that I don’t often dance much with anger so it took us both by surprise

We both saw it come and both egged it on… to get it up and out

Luckily the beach was deserted for the blood curdling scream that came out was impressive�

I was triggered big time by our talk about technology and all of the work that she was doing to ramp up her next project and it brought me back to all of the backend work I had done for my retreat that was now only a wonderful vision…

But that wasn’t the cause of the reaction, only the trigger

I later saw the continuing restrictions like a vice, tightening ever so slowly with all of their inconsistencies to be the cause

I was pissed off

So I dove into the emotions and ended up clearing some stuff that needed clearing

Triggers are gifts to the emotions that need releasing and sages to our inner work

If you feel triggered by someone or something, take it as a doorway opening. A signpost that some old pattern or belief needs adjustment

And if you are growing tired of the conflicting information out there and ongoing control, I am with you…all is not what it seems







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